Filament Games Blog

For all your game-based learning needs

Appealing to your Buyer with Games: Tips for Educational Publishers

As an educational publisher, you are most likely keeping a close eye on the digital educational publishing landscape and see that game-based learning is an important component of it. Whether you have already implemented game-based learning into your product strategy or are just starting to think about it, I encourage you to visit Digital Game-Based…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Building Creative Practices: Holacracy

The last installment of this Building Creative Practices series talked about employing sound strategies for communication in the context of some common organizational structures and challenging dispositions. Since you’ve all read that article and are at this point colleague-whisperers and conjurers of consensus, I thought today’s installment could focus on an uncommon organizational structure – namely,…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Incorporating VR into Your Business Strategy

Virtual Reality (VR) is an exciting new technology with a lot of potential, and we’ve spoken to a number of folks who are already exploring ways to augment their businesses with VR. As a technology that provides new modes of interaction and information consumption, VR is highly attractive to corporate trainers, nonprofits with a message,…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

5 Reasons Why Game-based Learning Should Be Your Educator’s Next PD Day

Research shows that teachers play a critical role in successful game-based learning programs. There’s no better way to see if a game-based learning program is right for your district than hosting a GBL professional development day! Game-based learning professional development invites teachers to try out games in a safe and supported environment, learn about game-based pedagogy,…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Future-Proofing Your Project

Technology is an ever-changing landscape. There are constant stories about the death of platforms, new ‘game-changing’ software or hardware, and wild successes or tragic failures for seemingly arbitrary reasons. Let’s explore how you can mitigate those risks and develop a project that has a lifespan measured in years. Selecting Technology One of the first decisions…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

FGP2-15: Season II Finale

In the season two finale we meet Dan’s alter ego, Kat Shanahan, recap our favorite moments from season two, and look ahead to the future of the Filament Games Podcast. We also finally reveal our thoughts on No Man’s Sky, listen in on Dan’s World of Warcraft Confessional, and experience the ultimate Fact or Fabrication…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer
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