Filament Games Blog

For all your game-based learning needs

iCivics Suite Updates: How The Art Evolved

Filament Games and have shared a long and prosperous relationship over the years, during which they have created nineteen learning games together. These games have been played in all 50 states by students and educators alike, teaching a wide variety of civics topics from basic American rights and judicial processes to the fundamental structure of…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Implementing and Evaluating Your District Game-based Learning Program

Last year we released the District Game-based Learning Implementation Guide to help administrators, Technology Directors, and Curriculum Specialists introduce game-based learning at a district-wide level. Since then, we’ve heard inspiring stories about how these game-based learning programs have engaged difficult to reach students, empowered educators, and inspired gaming clubs and projects! We thought it was…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Introducing unity3d-pixi

In education, technology moves more slowly than in the consumer world. Institutions must eke all of the value out of their existing hardware, and even when they do make new hardware purchases, the hardware is still not requisitioned with games in mind. This means that when we are charged with building software that is accessible…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Speed Sketch! Spring Sunflowers

It’s officially Spring here in Wisconsin and we’re celebrating with a brand new Speed Sketch! In our latest video, Game Art Team Lead Natasha Soglin creates a beautiful work of art inspired by our plant structures and processes learning game Reach for the Sun. Check out the below video and let us know what you think on…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer
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