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Resource Roundup: Learn More About Game-based Learning!

Want to learn more about game-based learning, but you’re overwhelmed with all of the information out on the internet? Or maybe you’re a seasoned enthusiast, looking to refresh your perspective or re-ignite your passion for game-based learning? Either way, look no further! We’ve distilled some of the latest and greatest serious game-related news, books, podcasts,…

10 More Brilliant Game-based Learning TED Talks

As winter (finally) draws to a close and makes way for long walks on even longer days, a surplus of greenery, spring cleaning, and a general sense of newness, we want to feel inspired – and we bet you do too! What’s the best way to gain a feeling of inspiration? No, not googling “inspirational…

What’s New in Game-based Learning – April 2022

The birds are singing, rain is pitter-pattering against the window, and the Filabee is buzzing around, waiting for flowers to bloom! 🌷🐝 While we wait, how about another installment of What’s New in Game-based Learning? That’s right, your friendly neighborhood educational game developer is here to start April off right, delivering our dear readers the…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Making Different Styles of Game: Positive impact vs. Entertainment

Earlier this month, our very own CCO Dan Norton was featured in the Virginia Serious Game Institute (VSGI) Speaker Series! The VSGI Speaker Series, which takes place through George Mason University, features serious game design professionals from across the industry. Dan’s session, called Making Different Styles of Game (Positive Impact vs. Entertainment), focused on the…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

What’s New in Game-based Learning – February 2022

Welcome to a brand new month, FilaFriends! Ah, February – a time to take extra care to celebrate everyone and everything you love. At Filament, we love game-based learning, and we love to keep all of our readers up to date with the most interesting games for impact, serious game, and AR/VR news that each…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

January Wrap-up – What’s New in 2022

The beginning of each year is always brimming with possibilities and potential! This month on the blog, we focused on the latest and greatest technology and game-based learning news, while keeping a focus on the horizon. As an educational game developer, we consider it our sworn duty to keep readers of our blog informed on…

EdTech Predictions for 2022

This month on the blog, we’re all about the future, and everything new that 2022 will bring to game-based learning! Only time will tell for sure what will happen in the industry, but in the meantime, it’s fun to make some predictions of our own. Join in on the conversation on Twitter or Facebook and…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

The Future of Digital Robotics

Here at Filament Games, we can’t wait to see how up-and-coming technology continues to shape the world we live in, especially when it comes to education! From eSports to the metaverse, EdTech is buzzing with potential in 2022. One area of that potential is digital robotics, which happens to be a subject we’re particularly passionate…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

What’s New in Game-based Learning – January 2022

🎉Happy New Year!🎉 We’re starting off this year on the blog with some fresh game-based learning news! From the futuristic Metaverse to a retrospective on a trailblazing edugame from the 70s, this nifty roundup of serious games news abounds with fascinating tidbits for all. Keeping gaming enthusiasts well-fed with educational gaming news since 2019, this…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

5 Excellent Gaming Communities and Organizations

Even if they’re more into single-player games, gamers need community! Communities serve vital roles in the gaming industry, whether they’re helping people connect to one another amidst a global pandemic, providing career mentorship, or looking out for the safety, enjoyment, and success of gamers who have been historically marginalized and left out of conversations around…

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