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Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

A-Games Study: How Teachers Use Digital Learning Games

Game-based learning is rich with opportunities that enhance the student experience while helping teachers solve classroom challenges. A recent study by the A-Games project (Analyzing Games for Assessment in Math, ELA/ Social Studies, and Science) shed light on game usage in the classroom – including how teachers are using games as formative assessment tools. More than…

How to Bring Games to Your Classroom in 2024

This one goes out to our educator friends! The school year is underway and educators everywhere are transforming their classrooms into engaging learning environments using the power of game-based learning. Want in on the fun? Your friendly neighborhood educational game developer is here to help. Let’s explore the latest and greatest from the world of…

What’s New in Game-based Learning – September 2024

Welcome back, game-based learning enthusiasts! The smoke of Labor Day cookouts has cleared and the school year sprawls before us, teeming with learning opportunities and – dare we say – playful experiences which may indeed improve our lives.  Via Tenor Whether you’re a teacher gearing up for the new school year, a parent looking for…

Excellent Video Games for Social-Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning (aka SEL) has been a hot topic in education for a while now, and for good reason. SEL is all about helping students develop the skills they need to manage their emotions, set goals, build empathy, create strong relationships, and make smart choices. While these skills are essential for success in school and…

How Video Games Build Resilience

You’ve probably heard the age-old warning that video games rot your brain. But what if we told you that gaming could actually help you build mental fortitude and resilience? As an educational game studio, we’ve known for a long time that well-designed games can be powerful learning tools, and research backs up what we’ve observed…

What’s New in Game-based Learning – August 2024

Welcome back, Filamentarians! August is upon us, and while the sun might be setting a bit earlier these days, the present (and future) of game-based learning is still shining bright.  As summer slowly winds down and the back-to-school season approaches, we’ve got a fresh batch of educational gaming news to keep your spirits high and…

Learning Games Expert, Dan White (Podcast)

We’re excited to share that our CEO, Dan White, recently appeared on the No Such Thing Podcast, a show dedicated to exploring the realities and exciting potential of learning with technology! Hosted by Marc Lesser, a specialist in digital learning and youth development, this podcast is all about insightful discussions with experts on the intersection…

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