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What’s New in Game-based Learning – October 2024

Welcome back, game-based learning enthusiasts! As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisp, we’re excited to bring you another round of the latest developments in the world of educational gaming. 

via Tenor

This month, we’ve got a fascinating mix of innovations, from AI-powered language learning to game-based approaches for addressing dyslexia. Let’s dive into the exciting news that’s shaping the future of education and gaming!

EarlyBird Takes Flight: Gaming Solution Catches Dyslexia Early

(Images: Courtesy EarlyBird)

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital have created EarlyBird, a game-based tool that’s changing the landscape of dyslexia detection and intervention. This innovative product uses tablet-based games to identify children at risk for reading problems before they even start formal reading instruction.

EarlyBird’s approach is both clever and effective. By engaging children in fun, interactive games, it helps them develop critical building-block skills for reading while simultaneously assessing their risk for dyslexia. The impact has been significant, with teachers screening almost 100,000 children across 25 states. Perhaps most impressively, 75% of these educators reported identifying at-risk children who might have otherwise slipped through the cracks.

The success of EarlyBird in schools has led to the launch of a consumer version, now available for parents of children ages 4 to 9. This expansion brings the power of early detection and intervention directly into homes, potentially transforming the educational journey for countless children.

Play to Learn: UChicago Professor Advocates for Playful Learning

(Photo by Jason Smith, courtesy: University of Chicago)

In a thought-provoking address at the University of Chicago, Professor Patrick Jagoda made a compelling case for the power of play in education. His speech, which likened education to a game, offered a fresh perspective on how we approach learning and personal growth. Jagoda argued that play is synonymous with experimentation, which in turn is another word for learning. This framing encourages students to approach their education with a sense of curiosity and openness, rather than viewing it as a series of tasks to be completed.

A key point in Jagoda’s address was the importance of “safe failure” in the learning process. Just as games provide a space for players to take risks and learn from their mistakes without real-world consequences, Jagoda suggests that education should provide similar opportunities. This approach can help students develop resilience and problem-solving skills that are crucial for tackling complex real-world issues.

Jagoda’s vision of education as a “game” extends beyond the classroom. He encouraged students to design their own “game of education,” using their shared agency to make a positive impact on the world. This perspective reframes education not as a passive receipt of knowledge, but as an active, collaborative process of exploration and creation. By applying principles of game design to education itself, Jagoda’s ideas point towards a future where learning is more engaging, effective, and empowering for students. His address serves as a reminder of the transformative potential of play in educational settings.

Games in Schools Program Expands Across Romania

(Image courtesy: Business Review)

Romania’s Business Review reports that the Games in Schools program, an initiative by the Romanian Video Game Developers Association (RGDA), is making significant strides in bringing game-based learning to classrooms across Romania. What began in 2022 as a pilot program targeting rural students in 20 schools has now grown into a nationwide movement, set to impact tens of thousands of children in the coming years.

This fall marks a new chapter for the program, with hundreds more teachers slated to receive training in using video games as educational tools. The curriculum goes beyond simply playing games in the classroom; it includes comprehensive courses on integrating video games into lesson plans and even introduces high school students to the basics of game development.

The expansion of Games in Schools reflects a growing recognition of video games as valuable educational resources. By using familiar and engaging game formats to teach subjects like history and geography, the program is finding new ways to capture students’ attention and enhance their learning experiences.

Duolingo’s AI Revolution: Language Learning Gets a High-Tech Upgrade

Language learning app Duolingo is taking a leap into the future with its latest AI-powered features, Video Call and Adventures. These innovations are set to transform how users practice and improve their language skills, offering more immersive and interactive experiences than ever before.

Video Call allows users to have face-to-face conversations with AI characters, providing a safe space to practice speaking skills without the pressure of real-world interactions. Meanwhile, Adventures places learners in simulated real-world scenarios, allowing them to practice language in context and build practical skills.

Currently available for English, Spanish, and French, with plans to expand to more languages, these features represent a significant step forward in playful AI-assisted language learning. This exciting approach can create more personalized and engaging learning experiences, even in the absence of human conversation partners!

Sony’s AI Gambit: How Machine Learning is Changing Game Development

Sony, a titan in the gaming industry, is embracing AI and machine learning to streamline game development processes, signaling a new era in how games are created. The company recently revealed that AI was used in the development of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 to automatically synchronize subtitles to dialogue in different languages, a task that traditionally requires significant time and resources.

But Sony’s AI ambitions don’t stop there. The company is investing in a Volumetric Capture Studio, a cutting-edge facility that will allow for the creation of 3D models and animations through scanning real individuals and objects. This technology has the potential to significantly reduce the time and cost associated with character and environment design.

What’s particularly intriguing about Sony’s approach is how it’s using AI to enhance, rather than replace, human creativity. By automating time-consuming tasks like subtitle synchronization, developers can focus more on the aspects of game creation that require human ingenuity and artistic vision. As major players like Sony continue to invest in AI and machine learning for game development, we can expect to see more efficient production processes, more detailed and realistic game worlds, and potentially even new genres of games that leverage these technologies in innovative ways. You can check out our take on the different types of AI impacting the world here! 

As you can see, the world of game-based learning continues to evolve. We’re excited to see how these trends and innovations will shape the future of learning. As always, if you’re feeling inspired to create your own game-based learning project, we’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation. Let’s explore how we can leverage the power of play to transform education together.

Stay curious, keep playing, and until next time – game on, learners! Or learn on, gamers!

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