< Back to Blog ian feldschneider February 13, 2019 // Filament Staff Ian is a game engineer, passionate for the medium of games and how they evolve through time. He enjoys experimenting with procedural generation, and has a fascination with making wild predictions on the future of the gaming industry.
aredtechgamebasedlearningk12mobilestaffinsights 3 Easy Ways to Bring AR into Your Classroom Augmented reality is – literally – reshaping the world around us. (Image credit: Giphy) From catching creatures in Pokémon GO to making silly faces with Snapchat and Facebook picture filters, AR has infiltrated the mainstream, with combined hardware and software revenues set to exceed that of VR by the year 2021. As developers of custom-built game-based learning experiences, much…
edtechgamebasedlearningk12staffinsightsweb Elevating Your 1:1 Initiative: Chromebooks It’s official. You’ve passed that referendum, approved that budget line item, or received the grant to implement new devices for your district. You’ve debated long and hard, you’ve put your decision through a panel, you’ve surveyed your department leaders and even asked your tech-savvy colleagues. You’ve probably spent more hours than you care to count…
edtechgamebasedlearningk12mobilestaffinsightsweb 5 Amazing English Language Arts (ELA) Learning Games On the hunt for high-quality English language arts learning games? You’ve come to the right place! ✨ (Image source: Giphy) As you’re likely already aware, seeking out and identifying great ELA learning games can be a challenging prospect. Unlike math and science games when lend themselves in more obvious ways to game-based representation, designing English…