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Pitfalls of Rigidly Following a Formalized Game Development Process

Filament’s formal game development processes have benefited greatly from our Work-for-Hire business model. Throughout any given year a multitude of small projects have guaranteed rapid iteration on our ideas of how best to make games. I’ve always thought we’ve been reaching for the ideal. I was convinced that there was some process nirvana that was…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Speed Sketch! Natasha Soglin draws Carrie Ray-Hill

Take a look behind-the-scenes as Game Art Team Lead Natasha Soglin draws Filament Games partner and iCivics Director of Programs Carrie Ray-Hill. We captured this video condensing Natasha’s 50-minute workflow and showcasing the skill and attention to detail needed to create art for a game studio. Sit back, relax, and watch as Natasha starts with a blank…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Virtual Reality for Learning Games

We’ve talked before about virtual reality and the unique impact it could have on the education space. Now that the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift have both shipped, we asked some of the talented game developers here at the Filament Games studio for their perspectives on how VR might or might not be used in the classroom. Alexander…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Building Creative Practices: Psychological Safety

This is the first piece in an ongoing series about developing skillsets that position you for success in a creative enterprise. Central to my approach is the idea that I’ll explore one concept per article. I’ve gained my perspective directing small marketing teams, wherein skinny resource margins mean that incremental growth is more achievable than…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

5 Assessment Strategies in Learning Games

Every game we create at Filament Games is specifically tailored to meet pre-determined learning objectives. With this commitment to achieving learning objectives comes unique challenges in measuring the learning that occurs during gameplay. Prior to releasing games, we conduct playtests with members of our target audience and sometimes commission independent case studies that include pre…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer
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