Filament Games Blog

For all your game-based learning needs

FGP2-5: Are you a gamer?

This week we get a glimpse into Dan Norton’s bad lifestyle decisions and learn why Brandon calls Dan a cool futuristic cyberpunk warrior. We also dive into a riveting discussion about game structures hidden in daily life, intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, and the pros and cons of casual games. Hot Topics in This Week’s Episode…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Let’s Play! Transforming My Teaching to Match My Students

Miranda Salguero is a Dual Language Immersion Teacher at Sandburg Elementary, a 4k-5 elementary school in Madison, Wisconsin. The article below is a chapter from our eBook How to Teach with Games, featuring stories and resources from educators who are using games in the classroom. Miranda played an instrumental role in the creation of the eBook…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

5 Assessment Strategies in Learning Games

Every game we create at Filament Games is specifically tailored to meet pre-determined learning objectives. With this commitment to achieving learning objectives comes unique challenges in measuring the learning that occurs during gameplay. Prior to releasing games, we conduct playtests with members of our target audience and sometimes commission independent case studies that include pre…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Building Creative Practices: Psychological Safety

This is the first piece in an ongoing series about developing skillsets that position you for success in a creative enterprise. Central to my approach is the idea that I’ll explore one concept per article. I’ve gained my perspective directing small marketing teams, wherein skinny resource margins mean that incremental growth is more achievable than…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer
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