edtechgamebasedlearninggamedevstaffinsights Webinar: Video Games and Interactive Learning Strategies for EDU Publishers Join our CCO Dan Norton and CTO Alex Stone for a free webinar all about video games and interactive learning strategies for EDU publishers!
adultlearningedtechgamebasedlearninghigheredk12mobilestaffinsightsvrweb Digital Games for Remote Instruction Whether you’re teaching elementary students or training a workforce, digital games have an incumbent advantage when it comes to enabling and augmenting remote instruction.
edtechgamebasedlearninggamedevstaffinsights COPPA Compliance and Educational Video Games Need advice on how to design educational video games that comply with COPPA guidelines? Check out these insights from CTO Alex Stone!
edtechgamebasedlearningstaffinsights Video Games: A Tool for Socializing While Self-Isolating In these unprecedented times, video games are uniquely situated to help promote socialization, togetherness, and community among individuals across the globe.
edtechgamebasedlearningpredictionsstaffinsights Learning Games in 2030 – Part II Curious what the future holds for game-based learning? CEO Dan White shares his predictions in Part II of his Learning Games in 2030 blog series!
adultlearningedtechgamebasedlearninghealthcarehigheredk12training What’s New in Game-Based Learning – April 2020 Join us as we highlight some of the biggest game-based learning, serious games, and AR/VR in education news stories of April 2020!
edtechgamebasedlearningstaffinsights Staff Survey: Our Most Beloved Educational Games! ✨ We surveyed members of the Filament Games team and asked them to tell us about their favorite learning games of all time – find out what they had to share!
gamedevmobilestaffinsightsweb Optimizing your HTML5 Video Game: A Case Study CTO Alex Stone shares an in-depth case study in optimizing HTML5 video games – check out his insights!
edtechgamebasedlearningvr Virtual Reality Hardware Roundup – 2020 Edition Ready to jump into the world of VR, but unsure which headset is right for you? Check out our overview of the 2020 virtual reality hardware landscape!
edtechgamebasedlearning Using Digital Games to Teach Real-World Issues Today, we’re exploring how digital games can teach real-world topics, through the lens of three global issues – the refugee, water, and climate crises.