Filament Games Blog

For all your game-based learning needs

Googly Eyes and Top Hats (Podcast)

Recently, our CEO Dan White had the pleasure of joining Elecia White and Christopher White (no relation!) on their engineering podcast, This podcast features insights from engineers, artists, educators, and makers with a passion for science, technology, engineering, art, and math. In this episode, Dan discusses Filament’s approach to game design, our upcoming sandbox…

VR and the Humanities

Virtual reality is a versatile medium. As you can see in our latest roundup of educational VR (and AR) games, VR runs the gamut from STEM to fine arts education. Just like there are boundless applications for VR in medicine and other fields, there are so many ways VR is taking the humanities to another…

Medical Applications for Augmented Reality

Ah, there are so many cool things happening at the intersection of technology and healthcare at the moment! Previously on the blog, we’ve investigated medical applications for virtual reality, from cutting-edge treatments for chronic pain to its use in experiential medicine. But the applications don’t end there – VR can also be used as a…

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