Filament Games Blog

For all your game-based learning needs

VR in the K-12 Classroom

A couple of months ago on the blog, we covered all sorts of topics related to virtual reality. We discussed VR in the humanities, recent research related to VR (and AR), excellent educational VR (and AR) games, and even VR’s role in helping older adults live more happy and healthy lives! However, one thing we…

Esports in the K-12 Classroom

At this point, we’d be surprised if you haven’t heard of esports one way or another! With its total audience expected to surpass 640 million in 2025, competitive gaming is taking adult gamers, higher education, and schools by storm. At the beginning of 2021, we gave you an inside scoop on esports in the K-12…

5 Excellent Games for K-12 Learners

As the back-to-school season rapidly approaches, teachers across the country are looking for new ways to keep students engaged and ready to learn. If you’re looking to give existing lesson plans a playful upgrade, educational video games are the perfect addition to your classroom.  With 70% of gamers under the age of 18, it’s safe…

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