Remember Breaking Boundaries in Science, our free Oculus Go and Samsung Gear VR game highlighting the lives and achievements of influential women scientists like Jane Goodall, Marie Curie, and Grace Hopper? 🤔
In the months since we launched Breaking Boundaries, we’ve received an outpouring of kindness and support from players and fans across the world. From teachers to students, librarians to XR enthusiasts, hardcore gamers to first-time VR users, we’re hearing your love for Breaking Boundaries loud and clear. From the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to extend a huge ‘THANK YOU!’ to everyone who’s played our game.
And what better way to say thanks to our loyal followers and supporters than to give you something you’ve been requesting since launch day – our official Breaking Boundaries in Science curriculum materials!
The all-new set of free lesson plans, activities, and resources were made by educators, for educators to extend the learning experience of Breaking Boundaries in Science. Special thanks to the specialists at Northern Illinois University who made these lessons plans possible!
Ready to access our Breaking Boundaries in Science curriculum materials? Click on Marie Curie to get started!

Psst…want to learn more about Breaking Boundaries? Chief Creative Officer Dan Norton and Producer Ethan Cayko caught up with Northern Illinois University’s STEM Read Podcast earlier this month to discuss the history and development of the game. Check out the full podcast here!
What’s Next?
Visit the Official Breaking Boundaries Website
Access our Breaking Boundaries Curriculum Materials (free!)
Download Breaking Boundaries for Oculus Go (free!)
Download Breaking Boundaries for Samsung Gear VRÂ (free!)
Further Reading:
Keeping STEM Real in Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality in the Classroom: 3 Real-World Applications
How Game-based Learning Engages Struggling Students