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Resource Roundup: Game-based Learning and Future-Facing Skills

Have you ever wondered what the future of learning holds? We can’t tell you all the answers, but we can guarantee one thing: future-facing skills set up students for future success! As another month comes to a close, we have yet another roundup of resources for you. October was all about future-facing skills, also known…

Resource Roundup: Game-based Learning and K-12 Students

August is on its way out, Filafolks! We hope the first week or two of school went swimmingly for any of our readers out there who are educators or students. To commemorate another back-to-school season come and gone, we’ve gathered up all of this month’s resources on game-based learning for K-12 students. These resources provide…

Resource Roundup: VR and AR for Learning

Summer is in full swing as we’re wrapping up yet another month here on the blog! In June, we set out to investigate all the recent happenings in virtual and augmented reality. As your favorite educational game developer, you can bet we have you covered on a variety of XR topics – looking for educational…

Resource Roundup: Educational Games for Adults

This past month on the blog, one of our main focuses was educational games for adults. We believe that playful learning is for all ages – no matter how long you’ve been on earth, you can always learn something new and find joy in that experience! If you’re not convinced, or if you just want…

Research Round-Up: Educational Games for Adults

We’re clearly familiar with educational games for adult learners – we’ve developed titles such as the Demonstrating Respect Game, Saving Lives!, MSI Retail Sim, and more. As we mentioned in our post about game-based learning myths, game-based learning is not only effective for children. From higher ed students to medical professionals to older adults, the…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Free-to-Play Learning Games Roundup 2019

Seeking free learning games to share with your students? You’ve come to the right place! 👋 Real talk: the Filament Games Blog is ripe with educational gaming content designed with real-world classrooms in mind, from our free How to Teach with Games eBook, to our routine roundups of high-quality learning games across subjects like computer…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

How Researchers Can Work With An Educational Video Game Studio

As a mission-based for-profit company, we’re fortunate to have built strong relationships with several academic institutions working at the forefront of cutting-edge game-based learning research. Here at Filament our teams follow this research with great interest, oftentimes allowing the discoveries to reshape our own methodologies and approaches when warranted. Here are a few of our…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Get the Facts: Game-Based Learning Research from Filament Games

At Filament Games, we’re committed to helping teachers, administrators, and educators all over the world harness the power of game-based learning. We have a tremendous passion for creating learning games, and we’re equally passionate about sharing the benefits of game-based learning. We put together a short list of GBL research to help you use games…

The Resource Round-up Round-up: Exploring the Best of 2024

As the year winds down, we’re reflecting on the wide array of topics we’ve covered on the blog in 2024. From advances in artificial intelligence to the growing impact of scholastic esports, this has been a year of innovation, exploration, and transformation in game-based learning and educational technology. This resource roundup gathers all the resource-roundups…

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