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A 2023 Holiday Buyer’s Guide to Educational Games

As the holiday season approaches, it’s the perfect time to consider thoughtful gifts that not only entertain, but also educate! In a world brimming with technology and screens, educational games offer a unique blend of fun and learning, making them ideal gifts for both children and adults.  Our 2023 Holiday Buyer’s Guide to Educational Games…

Research Roundup: Video Games and Civic Engagement

Civic engagement empowers people to understand their government, participate in elections, and advocate for meaningful change. If you’re new here, you might not know that we are heavily invested in game-based learning for civics education – just look at our longstanding relationship with our incredible friends at iCivics!  We know that video games can be…

Using Games to Teach Young Learners About Climate Change

While traditional teaching methods will always have their own merits, the dynamic nature of climate change demands innovative solutions. For instance, video games can be a fantastic medium for educating students on climate change in a non-distressing way. Today on the blog, we’ll explore how interactive games can serve as powerful tools for raising awareness…

More Excellent Conservation and Environmental Science Games

In a world grappling with environmental concerns, video games offer a unique platform for players to explore subjects like conservation and environmental science. In this blog, we’ve curated a list of exceptional games that not only captivate players but also impart valuable lessons about ecology, sustainability, and the wonders of our planet! From rejuvenating barren…

Using Digital Games to Teach Real-World Issues (Part 2)

Just like books or documentaries, video games can be powerful learning tools, imparting people with knowledge on various real-world issues! In our previous blog of the same title, we discussed how digital games can address three specific global issues: climate change, the refugee crisis, and water scarcity. Today, we’re continuing the conversation on video games…

More Excellent Edtech, STEM, and Game-based Learning Podcasts

If you’re anything like us (which is likely, if you’re reading this blog in the first place) you’re passionate about game-based learning, edtech, STEM, and everything in between. Whether you’re a regular reader of our blog or a new visitor, we know you’re here because you’re eager to explore some captivating podcasts that align with…

Project Roundup: K-12 Games by Filament Games

In the ever-evolving realm of K-12 education, engaging students through interactive and immersive learning experiences is essential. As a leader in educational game development, we’ve spent almost two decades at the forefront of creating exceptional learning solutions for students of all ages. In this post, we’ll showcase some of our outstanding projects on various subjects…

Resource Roundup: How It’s Made at Filament Games

Greetings, Filamentarians! This month on the blog, we took you behind the scenes of our studio to explore the ins and outs of educational game development. In case you missed any of this month’s posts, we’ve gathered them together for you in this resource roundup. Want an inside look at the creative, collaborative, and iterative…

The Art of Designing Games for Impact, Education, and Action (Podcast)

Do video games have a role to play in environmentalism and sustainability efforts? You can find out by listening to our CEO Dan White on the How to Save the World podcast!  Hosted by Katie Patrick, an environmental engineer, designer, and author, this podcast explores what truly motivates people to take action for the planet.…

The Power of Educational Games with Dan White (Podcast)

Do you think science is cool? We know science is cool. That’s why our CEO Dan White recently appeared on PocketLab’s Science is Cool (ScIC) Unplugged podcast! via Giphy Hosted by Dave Bakker, the ScIC Unplugged podcast is “a science podcast for cool teachers.” Dan and Dave’s conversation delves into various topics, including open-ended problem-solving…

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