< Back to Blog srivathsan prakash November 10, 2020 // Filament Staff After moving from design to engineering in college, Srivathsan finally gets to do what he loves at Filament: pull his hair out fixing bugs. Besides game dev, he likes to write rap, get outdoors, travel, and spend time with his favorite people.
edtechgamebasedlearninggamedevhowtosimulationstaffinsightsvr How to Get Awards for Your VR Experience Gearing up to launch a VR experience for learning or impact? Make sure to submit your title to these VR awards programs!
artdesigngamedevstaffinsights Clip Studio Paint Review In a previous blog post The Game Artist’s Arsenal, I covered our game artists’ most-used programs: Paint Tool SAI, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Animate (Flash.) Listed were each of the softwares’ pros and cons, along with general prices to help inform prospective artists. The feedback was largely positive and I gave myself a small pat on…
edtechgamebasedlearninggamedev EdTech Predictions for 2021 Here’s a look at the EdTech trends we’re expecting to see throughout 2021, from the perspective of your friendly neighborhood educational game developer!