< Back to Blog ray raasch January 24, 2023 // Filament Staff Ray is a passionate learner who transitioned to a team lead role after years of working as a developer in the field of educational technology. As a servant-leader, she strives to inspire and empower each individual to their highest potential.
gamedesigngamedevstaffinsights The Balancing Act: Including Others in Your Designs Designers, we are not the only ones with ideas and solutions. There is a careful balance we must maintain between designing features by ourselves and gathering the developer’s ideas and feedback. A game is a bajillion times better when it’s the combination of everyone’s creativity. It’s the kind of thing that’s obvious in theory but…
corporateedtechgamebasedlearningk12mobiletrainingvr What’s New in Game-Based Learning – September 2020 Check out our roundup of the month’s hottest news from the world of educational gaming, virtual reality for learning, and serious games!
adultlearningedtechengineeringgamebasedlearningk12mobilestaffinsightsweb 5 Great Games That Teach Computer Science We’ve previously written about some of the many ways you can teach yourself to code for free – but are there game-based learning solutions for those who seek a more playful programming learning experience? Whether you’re future-focused parent wishing to expose your child to the basics of programming or a computer science teacher attempting to level…