< Back to Blog megan tran February 13, 2019 // Filament Staff Megan enjoys understanding people’s needs and helping those around her, whether it’s by creating fun and intuitive player experiences, or by collaborating with teammates on design, art, and the weird little technical bits in between.
adultlearningedtechgamebasedlearninghigheredk12vr What’s New in Game-Based Learning – April 2021 Calling all educational gaming enthusiasts – it’s time for a closer look at the month’s hottest game-based learning headlines!
edtechgamebasedlearninggamedesigngamedevresearchstaffinsights Inspiring Game-Based Learning Talks from the GDC Vault Alongside E3 and PAX, the Game Developers Conference (GDC) stands as one of our industry’s most iconic annual events. A celebration of the talent and accomplishments of game developers from around the world, GDC brings thousands of developers, publishers, and academics alike to San Francisco, California each year for a week of networking opportunities, exciting…
gamedevhowtostaffinsights Building Creative Practices: Strategies for Communication Welcome back to Building Creative Practices! In my last semi-regular installment, I discussed strategies for creating Psychological Safety in the workplace, which at a high level is simply a way to get your team to operate in such a way that no one on the team is scared to speak their minds. I talked about effective…