< Back to Blog laura beukema November 4, 2022 // Filament Staff Laura has been designing educational and positive impact games and interactives for over a decade. She loves blending learning and play into new experiences. Her favorite thing about it is exploring such a wide variety of topics!
aredtechgamebasedlearningk12vr A Guide to Game-Based Learning at ISTE 2019 School’s out, mosquitoes are everywhere, and summer weather seems to have finally arrived here in Wisconsin – which must mean that ISTE 2019 is right around the corner! (Image credit: Giphy) Dubbed “the epicenter of EdTech,” the annual ISTE conference is dedicated to transforming learning and teaching through exciting new technologies. A four-day event jam-packed…
adultlearningedtechgamebasedlearningvr VR and AR for Higher Education Over the past few years in particular, more virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies have been making their way into education, transforming traditional classrooms into immersive learning environments. Let’s uncover how VR/AR is being used specifically in higher education, including its benefits as well as the challenges faced by institutions implementing this technology. Toto, I…
gamedevproductionstaffinsights Top Takeaways from My First Six Months as a Producer at Filament Games Prior to joining Filament Games as an Associate Producer, I had produced on teams creating games for the mobile, virtual reality, and desktop computer platforms. A main takeaway I had from these experiences is that game development is inherently chaotic. Every day comes with its own challenges to face and unique problems to be solved,…