< Back to Blog kylie gilde October 11, 2022 // Filament Staff Kylie joined Filament as her first job out of college, where she majored in game design and development. Making educational games is the perfect intersection of her two passions: programming games that make people happy and learning obscure trivia.
futurefacingskillsgamebasedlearning 5 Excellent Gaming Communities and Organizations Even if they’re more into single-player games, gamers need community! Communities serve vital roles in the gaming industry, whether they’re helping people connect to one another amidst a global pandemic, providing career mentorship, or looking out for the safety, enjoyment, and success of gamers who have been historically marginalized and left out of conversations around…
edtechgamebasedlearninghowtok12resourcesstaffinsights Implementing and Evaluating Your District Game-based Learning Program Last year we released the District Game-based Learning Implementation Guide to help administrators, Technology Directors, and Curriculum Specialists introduce game-based learning at a district-wide level. Since then, we’ve heard inspiring stories about how these game-based learning programs have engaged difficult to reach students, empowered educators, and inspired gaming clubs and projects! We thought it was…
edtechgamebasedlearningk12 Resource Roundup: Game-based Learning and K-12 Students August is on its way out, Filafolks! We hope the first week or two of school went swimmingly for any of our readers out there who are educators or students. To commemorate another back-to-school season come and gone, we’ve gathered up all of this month’s resources on game-based learning for K-12 students. These resources provide…