< Back to Blog jon rakocy February 13, 2019 // Filament Staff Jon is in Information Technology and loves working with people and computers. His strengths cover a variety of areas. His current focuses are on Linux servers and VMware.
edtechgamebasedlearningstem Using Digital Games to Teach STEM (Part 2) In our last installment of Using Digital Games to Teach STEM, we covered how many of our games can foster skills in STEM. We’re still waiting for you to name a more iconic duo than video games and STEM! While we’re waiting, let’s dive into even more examples of video games that incorporate science, technology,…
edtechgamebasedlearningguestauthork12research GBL Luminary Guest Post: Tuning Game-based Learning for Adolescents Filament Games stays connected to the scholarly side of game-based learning (GBL) through our GBL Luminaries Program. Academics in the Luminaries program work with our staff to maintain a healthy dialogue between game-based learning theory and practice through all-staff lectures and guest blog posts. Today’s GBL Luminary guest post is from Katie Salen, Professor in…
gamebasedlearninggamedesigngamedev Case Study: Games at Scale What can learning games with ambitious goals and large playership accomplish? Read on for a client case study that epitomizes the impact of educational gaming on a grand scale. Check out the details on our work with Twin Cities Public Television (TPT) below, and discover the vast potential of learning games when deployed widely and…