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Resource Roundup: The Best Game-based Learning Resources

You read that title correctly – this is a resource resource roundup! We’ve curated a comprehensive collection of the best game-based learning resources so you have them all in one convenient place. From podcasts that dive deep into edtech trends, to books that unravel the secrets of educational game design, and even insightful TED Talks that unveil the transformative power of games in education, everything you need is right here. 

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Want a continuous stream of the best game-based learning resources? Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for daily insights on educational gaming and games for impact. Also, take a second to bookmark this blog so you always know where to find it. 

More Excellent Edtech, Robotics, STEM, and Game-based Learning Podcasts

This blog highlights a collection of captivating podcasts that cater to individuals passionate about game-based learning, edtech, STEM, and related topics – otherwise known as you, dear reader of the Filament Games blog! The list includes podcasts such as “EdUp EdTech,” which explores the intersection of education and technology through discussions with industry experts, “Science is Cool Unplugged” a show with accessible conversations on scientific topics, and “The STEMcast” which offers insights into current STEM events and stories. But there are so many more – check out the full blog to explore these podcasts, some of which even feature our CEO, Dan White, on an episode of their show. 

Our Favorite Online Game-based Learning Publications

However, if you’d like to learn more about game-based learning but don’t have the time to sit down and read very often, you can always check out this list of publications! Check out fascinating articles from a range of sources, including news hubs, blogs, and newsletters that examine the convergence of education, technology, and gaming to inspire innovation in education. 

Learn more about prominent game-based learning/edtech publications like eSchool News, Edutopia, EdTech Digest, EdTech Magazine, THE Journal, and EdSurge. Also, explore other top-notch blogs like Games for Change Blog, iThrive Games Blog, and ISTE Blog, which delve into the intersection of gaming with social impact, mental health, and educational technology, respectively. Explore these resources to gain a fresh perspective on the ability of game-based learning to transform education!

Even More Brilliant Game-based Learning TED Talks

Our final blog in this list highlights a collection of TED Talks that explore how game-based learning can inspire and engage learners from all walks of life. It introduces talks from experts in various fields, such as game development, design, and education. For example, Kris Alexander’s talk discusses how video games align with effective learning strategies, emphasizing their ability to capture attention and foster engagement, and Shibu Jeyanth sheds light on the power of storytelling in video games and its potential to unlock joy while learning. Brenda Romero’s talk delves into the artistic dimensions of video games, discussing their emotional narratives and their place in the realm of art. That’s just the beginning! Get inspired and discover how to implement game-based learning to engage students’ curiosity, motivation, and desire for interactive experiences – ultimately preparing them for the challenges of the 21st century.

Game-based Learning Books You Should Read

If you love learning about new things, chances are, you love reading too! This blog contains a selection of insightful books that investigate various aspects of game-based learning and educational game design. It even includes a recently published title, Playful Testing: Designing a Formative Assessment Game for Data Science, which discusses the creation of an educational game we help create – Beats Empirethat reimagines assessment for middle school students’ computer and data science skills

Additionally, Educational Game Design Fundamentals: A Journey to Creating Intrinsically Motivating Learning Experiences explores the integration of learning and play in educational game design, offering diverse viewpoints and real-world examples. This post also mentions Making a Metaverse That Matters: From Snow Crash & Second Life to A Virtual World Worth Fighting For, which discusses the emerging landscape of the metaverse and its implications for immersive learning. Check out the blog for the full list of books and get ready to cultivate a deeper understanding of the intersections between education, gaming, and innovation!

As we conclude this resource roundup, we invite you to dive headfirst into these incredible podcasts, books, publications, and TED Talks! Let your passion for education, technology, and gaming thrive as you explore the depths of knowledge and inspiration they offer. At Filament Games, we’re proud to be leaders in the game-based learning space. If you’re eager to harness the power of learning games for your educational endeavors, we’re here to guide you. Connect with us to bring your ideas to life and create lasting, meaningful learning experiences that empower learners of all ages. Let’s reshape education together!

More great game-based learning resources:

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