The American Heart Association reports that more than 350,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur each year in the United States, with a mere 12% of afflicted individuals surviving such an event. While survival rates are dramatically increased for those who receive immediate CPR attention from a bystander, the fact remains that less than 1 in 5 American adults has current training in CPR – an alarming statistic, particularly when one considers the fact that 66% of U.S. households contain families of two or more people.

Think about it: it is likely that if you find yourself in a dire situation in which you are called on to give CPR, you will be attempting to save the life of your child, spouse, parent, or other loved one. The American Heart Association reports that 70% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen inside the home – unfortunately, their report also lists that only 46% of individuals who experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest get the immediate attention they need. In order to promote overall public health and well-being, all able-bodied citizens should seek to become proficient in CPR and first aid…but alas, CPR proficiency rates in the U.S. remain low as a result of a few key factors.
Simply put, conventional CPR training is quite intensive in terms of labor, time commitment, and associated costs. A traditional learning environment includes professional instructors, manikins, and a classroom setting – a complex endeavour that must be planned well in advance. But what if there existed a game-based, cost-effective digital tool for players to develop and practice their foundational CPR skills?
Thankfully, we’ve partnered with AppClinic to develop a suite of healthcare study apps designed to accomplish exactly that. Based on current American Heart Association Guidelines for chest compression and rhythm, award-winning learning game Saving Lives! helps players practice their foundational CPR and basic life support skillsets by administering CPR to a patient in a simulated emergency scenario.

Of course, we are not suggesting the app serve as a substitute for completing a conventional CPR and first aid training course – however, the convenience of having this type of training accessible via digital / mobile allows users to practice their skills more frequently than through the use of traditional manikin-based training sessions. Much research has proven the efficacy of simulation-based medical education, and Saving Lives! stands as a shining example of game-based learning in practice. Available exclusively for iPad, Saving Lives! delivers high-quality, research-backed CPR/AED practice to users in a easily accessible digital format, making it simple for anyone – healthcare practitioners and non-healthcare affiliated individuals alike – to brush up on resuscitation best practices and keep their first aid skills in shape.
Our award-winning CPR/AED learning game Saving Lives! is available now for iPad. Want to learn more about AppClinic’s suite of cutting-edge healthcare and veterinary study apps? Visit their official website to learn more, then check out the links below…
Additional AppClinic resources:
Designing Games & Saving Lives! An Interview with Matt Haselton
Game-based Learning & Clinical Practice – An Interview with Dr. Eric B. Bauman