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5 Game-Based Learning Facebook Groups for Educators and Enthusiasts

Ahh, Facebook – love it or hate it, the site remains 2020’s most popular social network worldwide, according to Statista. But no matter your feelings on the platform itself, one thing is for certain – Facebook’s Groups feature is pretty extraordinary, helping to bring together billions of users with shared interests, whether that be an upcoming event, a gaming platform like Playstation or Xbox, or members of the International Kazoo Players Association!

Kazoo Kid

(Image credit: Giphy)

Of course, among these communities is a thriving network of game-based learning enthusiasts – split up across a handful of key educational gaming groups. Today, we’re shining a spotlight on five of our favorite games and learning communities on Facebook – check out our picks below, and be sure to sound off on Twitter or Facebook if we missed any of your favorite groups! 

Playful Learning Alliance

Kicking off our list is the Playful Learning Alliance – a community which describes itself as, “an informal group of educators, researchers, and developers who are at the forefront of play based learning pedagogy.” If you only join one group on today’s list, I’d recommend the PLA – the group is home to a dedicated lineup of game-based learning fans and practitioners (including several friends of Filament!), and is a great place to participate in, kickstart, or lurk around discussions on all things games and learning.

Game-based Learning, Gamification, and Games in Education

Next up is the most populous community on today’s list – the 2,000+ member strong Game-based Learning, Gamification, and Games in Education group! Similar to the Playful Learning Alliance, this group is home to a dedicated community of teachers and game-based learning enthusiasts alike, each willing to offer their own insights and experiences with using board games and digital games in their classrooms. Another must-join, particularly for folks wishing to share and receive new teaching resources!

IGDA Learning, Education & Games SIG (LEG)

The International Game Developers Association (IDGA) is an awesome nonprofit organization that aims to support and empower game developers around the world – and among their Special Interest Groups (SIGs) is a dedicated Learning, Education, and Games community! Folks who wish to learn more about the group are encouraged to reach out to the IDGA for more info – but in the meantime, it’s totally worth checking out their IGDA Learning, Education & Games SIG (LEG) Facebook group to connect with fellow developers, educators, policy-makers, and entrepreneurs interested in the intersection of learning and games!

SIG Gamification and Game-based learning (GBL)

Remember how I mentioned earlier that Facebook’s game-based learning community is fragmented across a handful of groups? The SIG Gamification and Game-based learning (GBL) is a prime example of this – serving roughly the same purpose as the previous group on this list, only with a different roster of members. Folks in this community are encouraged to post their experiences, resources, ideas, and even failures incorporating game-based learning and gamification into their teaching efforts – and it looks like a great space to connect with like-minded educators!

Gamification For Education

Rounding out today’s list is Gamification For Education – a group which places an increased emphasis on discussing aspects of gamification in education, rather than traditional game-based learning. But despite our reputation as die-hard game-based learning believers, we’ll admit that gamification can have its benefits, too! Folks seeking a shared space to discuss their approaches to incorporating gamification into their classrooms or training programs, this is the group for you! 

More game-based learning goodness from the Filament Games blog:

Using Commercial Video Games for Classroom Learning
10 Brilliant Game-Based Learning TED Talks
Digital Games for Remote Instruction

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