Summer 2020 has arrived, and the Nintendo Switch remains the best-selling game console in the U.S. – an impressive feat for a system that’s already more than 3 years old!
(Image source: Giphy)
While heightened demand and constrained supply have resulted in hardware shortages around the globe, our previous roundups of high-quality learning games for the Nintendo Switch (check out part 1 and part 2 here!) remain as popular as ever! And now that nearly a year has passed since our last list, we thought now would be the perfect time to share a new roundup of some of the latest and greatest learning games for the hybrid home/portable console.
Trancelation is, simply put, one of the most visually stunning learning games I’ve come across in recent memory. An abstract and colorful language learning game created by developer MythicOwl, Trancelation helps players practice more than 7 different languages, drawing from over 200 vocabulary lists built directly into the game. A fast-paced, arcade-style game set in a flashy, neon-soaked world, players progress through the game by navigating complex environments packed with enemies and obstacles, boosting their memory and knowledge of key vocabulary words through word association challenges along the way. For a closer look at the game and its features, check out its official page on Steam – folks wishing to avoid games with numerous flashing lights will likely want to avoid this one, but for those seeking a language learning game that’s funky, stylized, and unlike any other on the market, we can definitely recommend checking out this one.
Designed for learners ages 5 and older, MathLand is an educational math adventure created by developer Artax Games. Harnessing the power of addition, subtraction, numbering, multiplication tables, and division, players help protagonist Ray defeat the evil pirate Max by traversing more than 25 levels packed with obstacles like quicksand, volcanos, carnivorous plants, and more. First appearing as mobile games for iOS/Android devices before releasing on Switch in early 2020, MathLand has received largely positive reviews from critics and users alike. To get a better understanding of the game’s content and learning objectives, check out its official page on the Nintendo eShop!
While not explicitly designed to be a learning game, Sid Meier’s Civilization series has hugely influenced the modern game-based learning space – heck, even our own CEO Dan White cites the original game as one of his most beloved games of all-time. And for good reason – Civilization not only introduces players to historical concepts, figures, and themes, but it’s also simply a whole lot of fun to play! And while our dreams of an education-focused version of the game dubbed Civilization EDU were dashed following the closure of developer GlassLab Games, we can wholeheartedly recommend Civilization VI to anyone seeking to experience the latest version of the classic turn-based strategy series – and best of all, it’s available across all current-gen console platforms, including the Nintendo Switch!
Jam-packed with a selection of 90+ drag and drop puzzles, Puzzles for Toddlers & Kids: Animals, Cars and more is a fantastic introduction to gaming for young learners ages 2+. Created by German indie developer winterworks, the game currently features puzzles themed around farm animals, cars and bikes, and princesses, with more puzzles centered around pirates, mermaids, and more also supposedly arriving in a future update. As a direct port of an iOS mobile game, it’s worth noting that Puzzles for Toddlers & Kids supports touchscreen play in handheld mode exclusively – great for on-the-go play, but folks who wish to solve puzzles at home on the big screen may find themselves disappointed by this limitation.

As per tradition, we’re closing out today’s list with a bit of an unusual pick – this time, a game that’s available for purchase only in Japanese, European, Australian, and Korean regions: Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training for Nintendo Switch. But worry not, U.S.-based readers – thanks to the region-free nature of the Nintendo Switch, folks in the states who wish to play Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training can simply create an international eShop account and purchase the game from another region (it’s easier than it sounds!). A successor to the wildly popular Brain Age series first seen on Nintendo DS and 3DS systems, Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training for Nintendo Switch is the ultimate way to practice and improve your memory and concentration skills, and features more than 24 different minigames comprised of mental math exercises, memory games, sudoku, and more.
And just like that, we’ve reached the end of our journey. Did we miss any games that you feel deserve a spot on our list? Hit us up on Facebook or Twitter with your suggestions! And if you haven’t had a chance to check out our previous roundups of awesome Switch learning games, be sure to check ‘em out at the links below:
5 Excellent Educational Games for the Nintendo Switch
5 More Educational Games for the Nintendo Switch
Make, Play, & Discover: A Look at Nintendo Labo